Set and setting

 Revence brings gifts. Giving power and respect to a moment can bring you wonder.

The problem with some good and extraordinary experiences is that they can be turned into a habit or adiction. And when we fall into it we forget what root we follow to start this in the first place.

Although it is good to follow pleasure and have moments for yourself in which you are just there, admiring and living the moment instead of looking for an outcome. There's moments that you don't want them to finish because that quiet voice might come out and tell you more secrets. It can help you connect ideas you didn't think about. And then all has a meaning and a sense that did not connect before in your mind. You were too busy to look for it or even wonder if it existed.

And now you are there with lots of information and a mind trying to hold everything to not forget, not even the essence of it. But while some people are content with the memory and diverse ways to confirm and remember those experiences, other feel cleaver by using the substance. Or maybe it's just the head expanding the more you call for more information.

Maybe it's just me and me troubled conception with the idea but I tend to believe that all should be taken in moderation and with a sense of reverance.

If we dip into the recognition and grow of the ego through these ways, we end up in a trap, believing we are better when we are into the effects of something is not our whole conciuous.

Am I too biased by a conservative past? Is that my own voice even or perhaps it's my childhood experience? Maybe. But also I've learn to respect what I don't know. And of course, I dipped into this realms by other ways, just being in contact with my quiet presence while looking for a soothing moment alone. Was I really alone? Probably not, but I was safe to feel like that and swim into my dreams and deep conciousness.

The right set and setting can get you a lovely moment. And the rarest it is, the more valued it will be considered, according to my opinion, even if it gets added to new experiences equally memorable.

I guess my conclusion is: do not get into routine, wahtever you do, as the routine kills the magic and the pleasure of feeling alive.

I hope you give some thought to it. Thanks and I'll see you soon.


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