
We are in crisis. At so many levels. We are unsure what to do with our lives and when we get what we thinks it’ll make us happy we start to panic because we may lose it. We never enjoy. As individuals we long for better experiences, something else and never settle. Something to keep us moving but sadly it has turned into a kind of drug. We are not happy and we want to be but there’s never enough. Consumerism has invaded our lives and our minds so we always need more. That way we live our life fastly but we never have enough time to reach all the things we want to make and we want to be. It will be never enough. Everything has to be perfect (food, work, sex, friendship, experiences), and if it’s not, it has to look like it is on social media so people can envy us for something we pretend to have. Remember, we always compare ourselves with others. They have everything they need, they should be ok. And then you realise that everybody needs somebody to list...