If you care...

Today I want to talk about Care. Our own care, what we understand for treat, and why do we feel bad for being different. I love listening to people's cases of health problems related to health, simply because it puts a challenge before me to find them an alternative. Ego doesn’t belong to this path of service but the well used mind in order to cure others. After restoring furniture I came to understand that it was people who needed attention beforehand. So I focused on my mental health to understand why some days I feel weak or my mind just can’t have a moment of rest at night. Or maybe why I have wild dreams when I get to sleep just before the alarm goes off. Do any of these cases sound familiar to you? I came to the idea today that “we are lost”. No purpose or aim to help others by giving what we are good at. We should be bright with our own light when we do what we like. Some of us aren’t here to be doing an easy job caged in a room. Some have their dreams to create thei...