What human evolution should be like and why is needed

I am not gonna get instructions coming from blocked people anymore, just don't. Imagine a situation in which you just get your ears unblocked and meet others that cannot hear, so they ask you, shouting, that you should block them a bit so that you all shout at each other and keep being noisy and scattered minded. That was the situation I came from. An ambient full of half people in denial and the other half being a workaholic for the mere responsibility of having to feed so many dependant mouths. So that would end up getting the person a bit frustrated because what was fun at the beginning, now it's a necessity. I was raised in that environment. My sister was too. And even though it took me time to realize that I did not have to prove my value according to my studies and grades and what I was aiming to work as, I saw that my people did not overcome that initial state. It's like grabbing a truck full of shit that needs to be thrown somewhere else but the truck driver got i...