
Is it a problem what I feel openly?

Does it make me depressed to talk about my feelings easily?

The one making the difference is usually seen as the crazy one.

The one talking the problem is usually the one who is "the problem" for the rest.

I just know WHAT I want. I am just discovering WHO I am.

And I love it, and it can make me more introvert, happy in solitude more than often.

Instrospective days stirring feelings and ideas that before wouldn't occur.

WHY? Because I was meeting people most of the day.

But do not get me wrong. I can be social. And I'll learn about me too.

Although those moments of Ahá! about myself will come from learning alone.

I do not need numbing pills, thank you. 

I do not need to tell a stranger my problems than friends find concerning.

Just maybe because they worry for me what they hide in theirselves.

It is Ok to be vulnerable. It is Ok to share feelings. And it is OK to feel bad or good.

Because that is what make us human. And I won't take anything that will stop that.

I just want to go deeper into de source. And I can do it alone or with certain tools.

Maybe not the "normal" ones that are just another "well-seen" type of drug.

But it's easy to trust what we are sold. It is easy to trust the people in higher hierarchies.

Until it is impossible to keep the blindfold steady. It is cracking.

And that cracking leads up to more holes in the system, and more corruption.

And more favours to certain institutions.

And one day, after a fight of a town for local shops, you find a Pizza Texan place.

Is it the beggining of the end? Maybe or maybe not, I am trying to create discussion here.

But I also what to be hopefull. Miles of new small busyness grew in Etsy, for example.

That must mean something right?

Things are though but things are also changing.

And I just hope that my close circle can open the eyes a bit to see it.

To research, to LISTEN.

Because it is hard to listen when you are all talking on top of each other.

I just bring the alternative. And that cannot be supressed.

If you cannot understand me

If you think I did change

Oh yeah, thank god I did.

People evolve, and the ones who not get out-dated.

I didn't like change. 

Until I started growing up a bit every day. 

Until I was the change in my actions.

Change can be for the good of reverting bad actions into restoration.

System can be restored by Love and hard work.

It is not easy, but that's why is Valuable.

Easy normally get's you bored and unmotivated.

Easy can kill you, same as comfort. It won't make you move.

If you are a bit umcortable in these moments, that's good.

Use this time to know why, to research, to grow.

But if otherwise you'll choose to numb your senses.

You will stay the same, no change, learnt nothing.

And the time, pandemic or not, will never be worthy enough.

Think about it... or not. It's your choice.



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