What human evolution should be like and why is needed

 I am not gonna get instructions coming from blocked people anymore, just don't.

Imagine a situation in which you just get your ears unblocked and meet others that cannot hear, so they ask you, shouting, that you should block them a bit so that you all shout at each other and keep being noisy and scattered minded.

That was the situation I came from. An ambient full of half people in denial and the other half being a workaholic for the mere responsibility of having to feed so many dependant mouths. So that would end up getting the person a bit frustrated because what was fun at the beginning, now it's a necessity.

I was raised in that environment. My sister was too. And even though it took me time to realize that I did not have to prove my value according to my studies and grades and what I was aiming to work as, I saw that my people did not overcome that initial state.

It's like grabbing a truck full of shit that needs to be thrown somewhere else but the truck driver got in love with the stuff in it. It is insane, I know, but it's sadly common.

Maybe I came here with a different purpose. I knew that the English lack was something that made me feel small. I also knew that it was an impediment to get a decent job in Spain so I needed somehow to adapt to the circumstances and jump out of the cliff just to see what waited for me at the other side.

I did. And I survived. It was hard, it is never easy to leave your comfort zone. But you learn at the end of the process. Or in other words, you learn in the process, as you keep making yourself to be learning all new stuff all the time. I don't think my sister had the same experience as I had. She had difficult ones, of course, but she had me here around to be a support when things would get really fucked up.

I didn't have anybody I knew, but I got my new circle, that was there in challenging situations. And that was fine too. You learn things the tough way. And even though I try to make her see that, the fact that we are closed is always used as a protection cushion for her. And that's fine but not forever. Even my parents are used to that fact being the best way. Not for her. Not for me. It does not work out well for us because that way we remain being immature beings that are afraid of the world.

I remember seeing that yesterday in "Bohemian Rhapsody" and how the parents of Freddy kept reminding him his origins and childhood. How they wanted him to be a person like his father.They were being a ballast even though they did not realize it. And of course, I understand their point as my parents do, because at that time they could be there for him, they could have the energy of raising him according to the way they were raised. But time comes when we have to finish the learning process ourselves, in a world that it's not theirs anymore. A changing world that evolves so it asks us to move along with the change as we can. If we stay in our parents nest or behave like they did, we are remaining stuck in a behaviour that doesn't work anymore. We live in denial, thinking that we do not need to change, that nothing can change us.

Well, let's look at the seasons, the years, the trees, the animals. They change to adapt to the weather, their behaviour is moulded to what they lived around. If you look at the Irish people and ask yourself "How can they go out and play football or tag rugby in the rain?" or "how can they bear the rain to go for a walk?", you are not understanding that they need to adapt to live their lives normally. They were born in this climate so their lives go with it. We are Spanish, from a sunny place so that we take the sun for granted. When the rainy days come to stay for weeks we could stay indoors waiting while angry about our circumstances. Well, we can have it or leave it. We chose to live here. We can adapt to value sunny days and enjoy them to the maximum, but also to resist the rain to give more importance to the fact that we need the fresh air after 2 days waiting indoors.

Maybe I am talking about so many factors here but if you see it in a simpler way I am just going around the same idea: Evolve or you will get stuck and obsolete. Change is not always good depending on the speed and direction. But in your life you can choose the path you take and try which one goes ok with you. Nobody is making you do anything. You can hear indirect ideas to make you think what you have to do but at the end of the day you are the one deciding your destiny (if you want to call it that way).

I will end the discussion talking about a fact I was reminded of today with a Ram Dass talk: your Dharma is the language of your heart, which is special to you and nobody else. So if you copy anyone else's dharma, you are denying and shutting yours. It's like wearing somebody else's dress that wasn't made for you. It would feel weird on you. So it is the same with your purpose. Find yours by quieting the external voices, being less influenced by what others think you need. Because is you who have to discover what you really need and are good at. Whenever you find it, I can assure you, you will glow. You will have loosen up all your weight on your shoulders. All the expectations of others. You will be just content with your doing. You might have low days, I still have them. But overall, you will know you are on the right path when you find it. Keep feeding it tho, it is a process, not an end of a path. We just reach that end when our lives end. And even then, our soul might need to change in other ways through other people's experiences. But that's something for another day.

If you have read until here, thank you, and I hope that this personal experience helped you to see the light in some minimal way. I'm here to help as I help myself in the process, as I remind myself everyday no matter how difficult the path is. But hey, if the game was too easy we would just get bored, wouldn't we? Nobody will give you anything for free so keep shaping your destiny and choosing your battles. 

Have a wonderful day.



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