Certain uncertainties


Even in the most uncertain setting

I look at you like a new breeze:

Dreamy eyes and gentle smile,

Writing over certainties of your day.


And I can’t help but look away of shyness

Getting back to my matters

While your breathing becomes my background sound

And your singing my distant memory.


I don’t want to fall in love.

It brought too much pain

that I can hardly move anymore.

I believed that I was done.


And another day came to shine,

Another reading while time passed.

Gentle talk and smiles as precious breaks

Of two broken hearts that came to confine

In a small comfy corner of new rise.


Yes, we rose in a smoke of fear and wonder,

And yet we trembled words of self-sufficient beings

At a time that we really thought of wishing for hope,

In a moment that we daydreamed for more.



And we looked for new sensations

Covering even parts of our day that were out of plan,

Living in a vast stormy realization

That we would not be the same after all.


I come across your deep believes and I thought

That I would never be seen in a true way

So I left myself be intuitive and honest

Bringing all the wisdom that came through life.


The crack of a voice,

The breakdown of a memory,

The pretending and not wanting,

Trying to be enough but wishing more.


And the starts whispered to us

And the words came out in a flow

Like a burst of clean water.

But it couldn’t be true, no.


Untrue is just a feeling in the heart

That breaks through the breath system

Making no noise but leaving a weight hard

To erase if not setting it out free to talk.


 And yes, we talked of certain uncertainties

Believing to be unsurely sure that we were

Apart from the world and together in a room

Feeling united in a unique way of feeling

That fear might brush away in the dust.

But dawn came and nothing went lost

Just two souls crying for an understanding hug

A real connection that came too sudden and calm.


And the empty city was witness of our laugh.

Living behind the danger of a sudden fall

Into the arms of a invisible harm and disbelief

Not believing being more true than our ... love?

 8/8/20 (Original piece)

Certain Uncertainties

Even in the most uncertain setting

I look at you like a new breeze:

Dreamy eyes and gentle smile,

Writing over certainties of your day.


And I can’t help but look away of shyness

Getting back to my matters

While your breathing becomes my background sound

And your singing my distant memory.


And another day came to shine,

Time reading talks and smiling to breaks

Of two broken hearts that came to confine

In a small comfy corner of new rise.


Yes, we rose in a smoke of fear and wonder,

And yet we trembled words of self-sufficient beings

At a time that we really thought of wishing for hope,

In a moment that we daydreamed for more.


And we looked for new sensations

Covering even parts of our day that were out of plan,

Living in a vast stormy realization

That we would not be the same after all.


The crack of a voice,

The breakdown of a memory,

The pretending and not wanting,

Trying to be enough but wishing more.


And the starts whispered to us

And the words came out in a flow

Like a burst of clean water.

But it couldn’t be true, no.


Untrue is just a feeling in the heart

That breaks through the breath system

Making no noise but leaving a weight hard

To erase if not setting it out free to talk.


 And yes, we talked of certain uncertainties

Believing to be unsurely sure that we were

Apart from the world and together in a room

Feeling united in a unique way of feeling

That fear might brush away in the dust.

But dawn came and nothing went lost

Just two souls crying for an understanding hug

A real connection that came too sudden and calm.

(piece submitted to WESTIVAL 2020)


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