
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2020

Yo voy primero

Looking back at a black shadow That internally tried to melt, Passing unnoticed to most people, And when seen she would avoid problem Giving herself completely to other selves.   What is left of that grey soul long ago under sheet? Reborn happened from cracks and shouts, Crying for a different self, different life, Opening the eyes to a new welcome.   If selfish vision to internal need isn’t valued, A quick look back will turn her into thoughts, A storm of regretful voices will try to turn her down. A new day comes and with it another old layer gone.   What is left of a shut mouth and frightened mind? Wings in her brain along with her hands Creating a way to fight back and fighting a way out. Not a hide under the sheets of fantasy anymore, Nor a need for negation of herself of her wanting.   The fight will last shorter and direct her to the north, Always finding more paths towards her discovery: That land of virtues and treasures and enig

Arte contra el maltrato

Es fácil controlar cuando hacer a esa persona sentir pequeña. Puedes moldear sus pensamientos cuando le planteas que todo a su alrededor es peligroso. Y si no sabe tanto como quisiera y se siente impotente, usarás ese vacío para mantenerla a raya. Nunca será suficiente, sin importar lo mucho que se esfuerce. Es curioso como tanta gente (padres) pueden reflejar su falta de autoestima sobre otras personas más débiles, sintiéndose así líderes de títeres a su merced, ampliando su ego. Hoy miro a cómo el arte me ayudo a expresar lo que no me atrevía a decir en voz alta. Aún recuerdo tantos modos de expresar control y miedo a salir de esa zona de confort. Hasta que lo hice. Me escapé de ese maltrato psicológico. Pero ahora ese mensaje se queda en cierta parte en mí, dándome miedo a cada reto que se presenta. Encendiendo la llama del pánico cada vez que algo está fuera de lo usual o algo se avecina que es desconocido. Porque me han enseñado que el mundo es un lugar peligroso y q

Reason to be-like Zebras

  Why a zebra? Beauty is part of their pattern It just holds a lot of meanings for me Lines, cracks, a jail within But those stripes create also flows They shape their body They make them exotic and unique. Even if they try to hide in their group They are beautiful individually Even if they rather being part of a social bond Their unity makes them stronger against danger But their individuality makes them special when noticed.   From dark skin to light stripes.   An animal can tell a story It can symbolize our humanity The chosen enigma For a person who need a way out.   The Zebra is my animal identity Which one will you choose to speak for you?   Sunday 16/8/20

Hide and Seek

  We hide ourselves in Art But what we discover in time is that we end up discovering ourselves: The most genuine version The one that feels vulnerable when seen. But what if uncovering you and expressing your stories You actually connect with more people than you thought?   We long for connection and the only way to find it is by being ourselves.   In my case, what it was an escape from reality turned into a need, A call for help from that whisper that needed to speak up, And by helping myself I turned around and saw the truth in people’s eyes. So when I portrait them I get all their energy, the intensity they feel. Seeing with other eyes through flesh and masks, through walls. It can be too much sometimes, Like penetrating in secret chambers. But in the end is enriching for me and for the person I see. That special connection I feel while creating it won’t go away Those feelings that person transmitted through their soul will remain In me, in the

Vessels of Creation

I have nothing else to give that my passion My purpose is my expression In the way I know better.   I have nothing left to hide anymore Pesimist may come and go But I won't let it sink me.   I will drink of my fears and I will turn it  into ideas that will safe me from despair of being afraid that I have nothing to offer.   Until I get back to my words and lines And I flow easily being driven by them Shutting my mind of shadows and self-doubt. And I remind me that need my creative self And I repeat me that only that way I can save me Release in the nature with pad and pens I will write about myself and draw my organic frame. I had the great luck and disgrace to be born this way. So when you disminish your path Think about you as a beautiful vessel That fills up with experiences and love Which will be needed to release of the fear Creating and connecting with other souls. We are more alike than we thought. So go there and let yourself be drawn Not into your fears but into your mind.