Let's be LOVE

I write out of overwhelming feelings in a time when I cannot literally stop thinking of you.

Did I go mad? Not the kind of crush-passion-toxic madness. This one is different. It brings me peace and a sense of steelness that it feels unreal, out of this world. As if I was speaking to me all the time, walking with me. But with you as part of that experience. Quiet at times, chatty at others. I don’t need to fill the gap of silence. I won’t speak if I don’t feel like because we both know that, at that moment, we will be just immerse in our visions and minds. Maybe as a way to shut our thoughts down for a while.

And even if you are not here, you are present around. I miss you but I don’t need you as a toxic drug. I just feel really well when you are around and I will make sure I drink all of your essence, living intensely your presence. And we will be living at the edge in a quiet, passionate way. Does it make sense? I am literally trying to make it because it’s all new for me.

Our talks, stares, touches, are out of this world. We might be dreaming or maybe floating in a lovely heaven. I rather seeing it this way than fearing that we are about to weak up or suffer suddenly. We repeat to ourselves that we deserve this. It is so sad to live up to good times after a long time of trauma (either internal or external). We try to enjoy as much as the last day was above us. And then another day comes.

You just came unusually in the perfect time, sharing this unusual moment with an unusual mind that didn’t know that could expand itself so much to so many ideas, emotions and experiences. 

It is so freely to like somebody in a natural way, and to be liked by somebody in the same way: being just genuine, original, nothing fake-like to pretend, no shame to hide. Full of vulnerability even before the start. There’s no need to be somebody else anymore, life is too short to pretend being somebody else that doesn’t fulfil your day but sadden it deeper. Life is too beautiful being true, along with nature, people... 

Let’s claim that original sense of ourselves.
Let’s be true.
Let’s be love.



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