No words

When the time comes and take us by surprise,
when the emotions explode from someplace inside us
like a storm we cannot control.
But releases a deep need to clean all the pain
even if we don't know how to manage it.

And in desperation to look aside,
we just try to find other ways to restore it,
to make the pain go away without any damage.
But it is not easy,
there is no a way we cannot feel 
about whom we shared moments and emotions with.

It is not bad to endure, 
it is not wrong to demostrate it,
it is not bad to feel weak sometimes,
It is part of our humanity.
Otherwise... what are we?
What the regular cruelty in the World have turn us into?
Were we taught at any point that is a shame to feel bad?
Why would we prefer not to deal with that kind of situation?

I know, we all look for happyness.
That's the reason of so many ways of experiences,
Spiritual and physical in so many ways.
So many things we can have to mute inhibitions
As there will be an excuse to use
If everything goes out of premonition.

But what if we find a deep sadness behind that "help" we use?
Happyness isn't what we want if we don't experience sadness.
It is ok to have bad moments and let them have you
to charge you batteries and think what is worthy.
We are so used to go in automatic mode
that we don't stop to think if there's something else
Even a little moment a day that makes it special.

Live the moment but make worthy any day,
with people you care, with yourself.
Don't regret anything you felt out of your control,
as live is about mistakes and learning after all
and we are still trying to find out what else hides...

But even if we miss people on the way,
take the best you have from them and make it yours.
Learn from your experiences with that person
and get that legacy to enrich yourself,
because those little pieces that you took and make you "you",
it will be part of some others in the future. 

Don't let your feelings to be a taboo for yourself or anybody,
'Cause at the end of the day ´we all fear dead,
we long for love and we wish we had more time´.

RIP Adam
For whoever felt this way at some point


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