Star sign

Following my star, I've been obsessed with the idea of love.

I've been losing myself trying to get an addictive feeling in a place and a moment when running away from work left to be done was usual. Almost like in the old days.

I've been in love with the idea of love. But not getting to connect with a person completely. Because the idea of what I needed not necessarily matched with the reality.

In the case I ever did connect I got scared looking ahead.

It's much safer to nurture self-love. It's less risky and more gratifying. I am not ready for other than myself.

If you are smart enough, don't mess with me. Ain't no good. I'm hard work. I cannot belong to you. I am too independent now and needed of myself to be taking care of you. I don't want to loose that. I cannot loose myself again in that insanity.

Let me be excited about the boost of affection we might need sometime. But after a few days I will go back to my way where I left it.

We both know it's the most organized way to be. 

See you in a million days.

Good luck.



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