The conversation (monologue)

The conversation started talking about a new design mop. Ours just broke so why wouldn't we buy the whole system that allows you to do the work for you?

- Em, and trowing away a bucket in perfect shape? We don’t even mop that much, do we? - she said. 
- Ya, but it would make our lives easier... it’d be easier to mop and squeeze the water out. - he said.
- Cannot you use you wrists as I do? Oh, wait. That will be a great system for my mother! You can use your hands perfectly, otherwise they get atrophied. - she sentenced. 
- Ya but I’d save time drying the floor when a bucket does it for me.
She stopped and realized before saying in a "ahá" moment: 
- That’s the principle of all new items. They save you time for you to waste it on your phone or whatever the way you just give it away. You know? Every time I see an object like that I first think `oh, that’s original!` followed by a second quick thought that says `wait, that’s stupid, or that will make me stupid!`.
- Serously! What do you have against evolution??

First of all, I am not against evolution but I tend to have always a vivid thought of the past because it works. If we follow or fall really quickly forward, towards the "new" and forget about the past we tend to get lost and numb. For instance, you might not know now what to do with your reused oils just because it is not on your tradition. In my case is far back to my great grandmother’s making. After that... who knows, maybe `time` concept came along to save the bother of mixing elements in a safe way.

Of course, we must anticipate the stupidity of people to do things wrongly and maybe burning their house. So let’s make it for them! Let's safe the bother and the firemen coming over. Let’s make them see that they are better off or SAFER by not making it at home and trusting others. They to busy to think of that, or we'll make them busy.

The same as the principles to give all the clues pre-thought to have a environmental friendly life: "Do not create your own as there’s enough people thinking of that fix for you".

Seriously, I just came across a website looking for boxes I could design myself and print on but all I got was a company with their own setting of professionals to do it for me.

Call me stubborn (or maker) but I like to make mostly all things myself. I like the trip and experience. I like to learn and I won’t let anyone to tell me not to bother. Then the time comes when some don’t believe you can actually make something like soap at home. Have we already reach that point of uselessness? Really? After passing through a pandemic in which everyone started baking again and making their own fermented food or kombucha? That was in 2020 are we that far away?

I resist to believe that. Making at home empowers you and it makes you see that it wasn’t that difficult after all. Also, when you realize that making certain things costs less than what you pay for... it ends up tricking your mind that actually money in such quantities is not that needed. In fact I would myself keep it for traveling or to make great company investment, yes, the one I’ll create myself after years of experimenting.
But what’s the matter here? That you are making it yourself instead of listening to others or helping others to get richer. You are birthing a new competency, a new trend, a new way. Going against the current as you are strong enough to not follow what it’s imposed. Thanks, daddy.

I must be made of a good mix of genes (extremeños, cubanos y castizos among other many). And I really want to glorify my origins by going the way they’d go if they lived now. We need to remember history and traditions to pass them along and use them now in better circumstances. If we believe we have nothing to add, that we are empty handed, then they can take control of the narrative. And the society would end up brushed away because the only thing they do is to look at their phones or to repeat the same principles they follow on social media.

Instead of each of us being a speaker of consciousness, we would be asleep and being turned into zombies that echoe what we were told to believe and say. There would be no more differences, no more variety, no more competency.

That’s how we would end up in a world in which difference branding and options are useless because we would go just go for a package of `milk`. Who cares who painted that cage? Art and creativity is useless and we are here to serve. Oh, so we chose to be slaves to their principles of unity. When did it started it? We didn’t see it coming... and suddenly it was too late.

First the subtle suppression of certain ideologies labelled as "inapropiate". Then, the change in the frequency in music. Followed by the media using the algorithm to keep interested on your shit and don’t look beyond. Then, the food and water was poisoned enough not to get you sick but internally get your body tired of fighting the wrong enemy. And we continued with the ideologies to believe we needed some products to be in trend, putting petroleum on our skin or around our eyes.

Trowing away handmade out-of-fashion clothes that could have been pass through generations to buy the same one 10 years from now, but made cheaper by a near to starvation kid. Is that what we want? We are to far form the source to know or even care, aren't we?

I get it, we want things fast and easy, like spoiled children. We forgot what is the success that comes from personal effort. How our minds and consciousness grow every time we make them solve a problem. If nobody tells you how to solve it would you leave it undone? I did, I wasn’t used to solve things myself because either my father or professor would help me out. Now I don’t have that luxury or I don’t want to have it that easy. Again, call me stubborn. Thanks, daddy.

But I think it works. I leave something unsolved for a few months. I’ll come to it later and transform it into a completely different thing. And my brain again brightens and works hard to make it happen. It didn’t happen in one day. Didn’t they say the same about Rome?

Why have we become so impatient to have everything done quickly and perfect? That doesn’t exist. We are human, we are not perfect. We aren’t robots and even in that case they have flaws as they were man-made. And that’s not bad! We are entitled to make mistakes and take the time to reformulate something to make it better. It won’t happen in one day but it’ll happen eventually. 
Like in nature, things need time and when well done, a plant can grown large in a week. But for that they need to hibernate for months. Don’t you thing you are the same way? Let me tell you, you are nature. So start behaving like part of it, learning from your surroundings instead of empty people corrupted by power and empty ideas of progress.

We can be progress, but maybe it won’t be the one is being presented by the same people is killing all the resources we have. Why should be trust on their change? We are the change that needs to happen. To realize we don’t need stuff, money, super fast cars, super trendy clothes, pharmaceuticals that numb our senses or the lack of creativity that make us cranky and depressed.

And we can be sold that life is going fast and that we have so many options. Careful with that. Yes, slow down your pace. Do not need to work many hours until your brain gets a purée. But the options are needed to make you decide internally what goes with you that maybe doesn’t for others

I'd promote to give options to people but give them all freely, not conditioned to your expected outcome in which certainty you’re needed at the end of the path no matter what. In other words, you can give me the low fat yogurt and the whole one, but if in time the only option to buy is low fat that will make my body react a certain way. It doesn’t matter the fact I have many flavours if the base is bad anyway and it brings me to the doctor. I’ll be given a pill anyway. Well, should I have known that having a good quality food was the main medicine for my body all along? But I was never supplied that because... poor doctors, right?

Who is gonna take care of the poor pharmaceutical companies when people tend to cure their families with remedies at home? Well, maybe they should change and supply herbs instead of poison that numb our body from the actual cause of the problem. To not need more medication that cures the side effects of the first one. Don’t you think it makes more sense?

No, it’s a waste of time: you’ll say, while you focus your attention on the phone looking for the new sale or trend to buy online instead of going to the shop and try it on. You will say: It’s a waste of money, time and petrol. I say: Well, town is 30min away and you can take it as a relaxing shopping day with friends, no? - Nah...

The pleasure of taking a trip and deciding in a mall has been slowly changed into an image on your phone. The same way as simple pleasures of spending time in Nature for free have been sold by paying a retreat place to meditate with a teacher. Or a yoga center instead of trying at home. Maybe you don’t have the discipline, maybe you just don’t want to be alone, you’ll get bored...

Let me tell you that magic things happen when you are by yourself and it’s that you start knowing yourself and all your parts. Let’s call it voices and you’ll go like this: `if I stay by myself I’ll get crazy at the time I listen to voices in my head`. That’s another narrative long ago set in disbelieving artists, mental health `disorders` and, in general, different people.

Difference is made a `problem`. For me a `problem` is to see a bunch of girls or boys all dressed up the same way that make me believe they are all the same person, copies.
That’s preoccupying. That’s persons tuned into robots. That’s all people thinking the same way. That’s massive control of population to falsely make them believe the sense of belonging or fit in society. Well, I don’t want to belong in a society that is sick and empty minded.

I prefer to have an interesting conversation or debate with a person or group. To share wisdom and create a new concept all together. I want to create a new model of thinking, going into the trend of podcasting by simply releasing natural conversations that could happen any day that we feel enlightenment, like today.

I want excitement to feel my mind can come this far by just simply joining points that started talking about a new mop design. We just made a gazpacho of terms that touched several red flags we didn’t see cooking but there they are.

Just remember: be silent and listen to yourself. As I heard yesterday. But in this case, I know for experience that it’s true, because I came to same principle by myself and then I found others who did it too. 
We’ll come one day to the same natural principle, really far out that the ones we have now. It’s just another way but it’s valid. Just give it the chance to ever consider it. Just give it that space in the shelf to go one day and try something different. Get all the options available, because if they don’t work for you, they might help others. But we need those options open and shown to know they exist.

Thanks you for your time.


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